25 Septembre 2023
Prix or Price : 10,99€ en numérique, 18€ en broché et 24,90€ en relié (332 pages)
Quelques mots sur l'auteure :
J Bree est une rêveuse, une écrivaine, une mère et une gardienne de chats. L'ordre des priorités change tous les jours.
Elle vit sur la côte de l'Australie occidentale, dans une ville où il pleut trop. Elle passe ses journées à rêver à tous les petits amis de ses livres, à écouter son partenaire se plaindre de l'état des pelouses, et à être la garce du goûter de ses trois enfants.
Pour connaître la date de sortie du prochain livre de J. Bree, visitez son site web à l'adresse http://www.jbreeauthor.com et inscrivez-vous à la lettre d'information ou retrouvez-la sur Facebook à l'adresse J Bree Author.
Résumé :
A few words about the author :
J Bree is a dreamer, writer, mother, and cat-wrangler. The order of priorities changes daily.
She lives on the coast of Western Australia in a city where it rains too much. She spends her days dreaming about all of her book boyfriends, listening to her partner moan about how the lawns are looking, and being a snack bitch to her three kids.
If you want to know when J’s next book will come out, please visit her website at http://www.jbreeauthor.com, and sign up for the newsletter or find her on Facebook at J Bree Author.
Summary :
After the death of my mother and her Bonded, I was relieved to find my own Bonds.
I was sure everything would be okay if I had them.
It wasn’t.
The fate of our people is in my hands and I know we’re better off if I’m alone.
After five years on the run, I’m caught and dragged back to face the men I ran away from.
I thought I was doing the right thing.
Now, I’m not so sure.
North, Nox, Gryphon, Atlas, and Gabe may never forgive me but one thing is for sure.
I won’t ever forgive myself.
*Broken Bonds is a full length reverse harem PNR novel with material that may be difficult for some readers. This book will end on a cliffhanger. It's recommended for 18+ due to language and sexual situations.
My mind :
Another favorite book from Korrigan éditions, this hardcover edition is just gorgeous, with the jasper on the side.
We meet Oleander who, after the death of her parents, discovers she has powers. She plans to keep it all a secret. Their power scares her, so she runs away. Except that in Oleander's world, women have Links. That is, men they must live with. After a relentless hunt, these mysterious men find her and capture her. She must live her life with them, despite the fact that they find it hard to forgive her for what she tried to do, except that she had many other reasons for escaping, she carries a heavy burden, her destiny is in her hands. By sharing everything with her soul mates, she puts everyone at risk.
An addictive, gripping, captivating first volume with very endearing characters, can't wait to discover the sequel.
If you like reverse harem, the supernatural or urban fantasy, I can't recommend this book enough.