11 Septembre 2023
Prix or Price : 9,99€ en numérique; 23,90€ en broché (688 pages) et 10,90€ en poche
L'édition grand format et collector de ce roman aux 600 000 lecteurs.
Petitesannonces.fr : Jeune homme de 26 ans, condamné à une espérance de vie de 24 mois par un Alzheimer précoce, souhaite prendre le large pour un ultime voyage. Recherche compagnon(ne) pour partager ce périple.
Émile a décidé de fuir l'hôpital, la compassion de sa famille et de ses amis. À son grand étonnement, il reçoit une réponse à son annonce. Trois jours plus tard, devant un camping-car, il retrouve Joanne, une jeune femme coiffée d'un grand chapeau noir qui a pour seul bagage un sac à dos.
Ainsi commence un voyage stupéfiant de beauté. À chaque détour de ce périple naissent, à travers la rencontre avec les autres et la découverte de soi, la joie, la peur, l'amitié, l'amour qui peu à peu percent la carapace d'Émile.
The large-format collector's edition of this 600,000-reader novel.
Petitesannonces.fr : Young man aged 26, condemned to a life expectancy of 24 months by early-onset Alzheimer's, wishes to set sail on a final voyage. Looking for a companion to share this journey.
Émile has decided to flee the hospital and the compassion of his family and friends. To his astonishment, his ad was answered. Three days later, outside a camper van, he finds Joanne, a young woman in a big black hat, whose only luggage is a backpack.
And so begins a breathtakingly beautiful journey. At every turn on this journey, through encounters with others and self-discovery, joy, fear, friendship and love are born, gradually breaking through Émile's shell.
My mind :
I've been wanting to read it for ages, and now I have, my very first book by this gifted author. I didn't let go of the book until I knew the ending, and her writing is so addictive that you'd think you were in the story.
It all begins when Emile posts an advertisement: at 26, he has barely two years to live and suffers from early-onset Alzheimer's. He's looking for a travelling companion to take him on a road trip in a camper van to enjoy his last moments of life away from hospitals.
Joanne answered his ad, and a few days later, they were off. And so begins a magnificent journey, a journey of encounters, self-discovery, fear, friendship and love, as Emile gradually reveals himself to Joanne along the way.
It's an absolute must-read, with emotion throughout the book, and tears shed. The author has won me over with this book, and she has succeeded in retracing Emile's life and his early onset Alzheimer's with brio. I've got all her books and will devour them for sure.
Right from the start, we learn about Emile only in the middle and at the end, we learn more about Joanne and the title of the book, we realize why it's called that.
If you like road trips, travel and adventure, I can only recommend this book, which has over 600,000 readers.