11 Juillet 2023
Prix or Price : 5,99€ en numérique (421 pages) et 19€ en broché
« — Vous ne pouvez pas regarder où vous mettez les pieds !
— C’est vous qui m’êtes rentré dedans.
— De toute façon, vous n’avez rien à faire là. Les clodos, on en veut pas ici ! »
Allez Elly, tu peux le faire, relève-toi… C’est stupide, j’ai toujours su que je finirai ainsi, oubliée dans le caniveau avec pour unique compagnie ma chienne, Maya. Après cinq ans à écumer les rues de Besançon, puis-je réclamer un autre destin que celui-ci ? J’étais prête à embrasser cet avenir jusqu'à ce que je croise la route d’Ethan.
Moi, Ethan de Roussel, symbole de la réussite, je suis le chemin balisé par mon père et profite de chaque privilège qui m'est offert. Bientôt, je serai à la tête d'un empire colossal. Enfin, c’était avant que l’on ne m’impose la présence de cette moins-que-rien de sans-abri, Elly, sous mon propre toit.
Quand deux mondes opposés se rencontrent et s’allient pour atteindre la liberté, tout devient possible. Mais à quel prix ?
"You can't look where you're stepping!
- You're the one who bumped into me.
- You don't belong here anyway. We don't want bums here!"
Come on Elly, you can do it, get up... It's stupid, I always knew I'd end up like this, forgotten in the gutter with only my dog, Maya, for company. After five years of scouring the streets of Besançon, can I claim any other destiny than this? I was ready to embrace this future until I crossed paths with Ethan.
I, Ethan de Roussel, the symbol of success, am following my father's path and taking advantage of every privilege offered to me. Soon, I'll be at the head of a colossal empire. That was before I was forced to take in this homeless nobody, Elly, under my own roof.
When two opposing worlds meet and join forces to achieve freedom, anything becomes possible. But at what price?
My mind :
A big thank you to the author for giving me the opportunity to read this book, which I've been wanting to read for so long, and now I have.
Elly lives on the streets with her dog Maya, and has been roaming the streets of Besançon for five years. Will fate have it any other way? She thought she'd end her days like this, but fate has thrown her into the path of the famous Ethan.
As for Ethan, he's the very symbol of success, following in his father's footsteps and making the most of life. He'll soon be running his father's company. But that was before Elly came into his life.
The more I got into the story, the more emotion came to my eyes. The author's writing is addictive and fluid, making it hard to put the book down from beginning to end.
If you like the enemies to lovers genre, I can't recommend this book enough.