2 Février 2023
Prix or Price : 11,99€ en numérique (310 pages) et 22€ en broché
Résumé :
Lorsque le sceau sera brisé, sur ce monde s'abattront les ténèbres. Un double meurtre est commis à Heavendale. Le meurtrier semble en quête d'un secret qui serait lié à Lain. Cette dernière décide de se lancer à la poursuite de ce mystérieux tueur. Dès lors, Lain découvre diverses révélations sur sa véritable identité. Des révélations au sujet des véritables raisons de la mort de la mère de Stan. "Qui est Lain ?" devient alors une question de plus en plus obsédante. De mystérieux hommes habillés de noir recueillent Lain. Mais où et dans quel but ? L'un des plus grands mystères de Lain Ikari est en passe d'être dévoilé.
When the seal is broken, darkness will fall on this world. A double murder is committed in Heavendale. The murderer seems to be searching for a secret that is linked to Lain. Lain decides to go after this mysterious killer. From then on, Lain discovers various revelations about her true identity. Revelations about the real reasons for Stan's mother's death, "Who is Lain?" becomes a more and more haunting question. Mysterious men dressed in black take Lain in. But where and for what purpose? One of Lain Ikari's greatest mysteries is about to be revealed.
My review :
I would like to thank the author who allowed me to read this second volume of this series, once we are in the story, we do not let go of the book from beginning to end.
Once the seal is broken, the darkness will arise. In Heavendale, two murders are committed. The author of these murders is looking for something related to Lain. As for Lain, she is looking for him and as she investigates, she will learn more about her past. Who is she? Men in black will take her in, but for what purpose?
A second book that I liked more than the first one, we know a little more about the characters, there is always intrigue, suspense, twists and turns, the characters are always so endearing, I hope there will be a sequel.
If you like this kind of science-fiction series where mysteries and murders are at the rendezvous, this is the series that you must read.