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The Fractured: Elena: A Blemished Novella (Blemished Series) by Sarah Dalton

The Fractured: Elena: A Blemished Novella (Blemished Series) by Sarah Dalton

Résumé :

In a fractured Britain, the Genetic Enhancement Ministry have taken control. Parents buy designer babies and those with genetic faults are labelled Blemished and shunned from society.

Elena Darcey is just as perfect as the other clones, but there is something different about Elena, because she’s in trouble. After helping Area 14’s most famous criminals escape, Elena has to get out before her teacher-- the formidable Margaret Murgatroyd --finds out that she is a sympathiser for the Blemished. The perfect opportunity arises as a beauty pageant promises the winner a trip to London. Will Elena cope with the cut-throat world of a beauty pageant filled with sabotage, violence and betrayal? If she makes it to London, will she find the safe haven she craves? Does she discover more than she'd expected after meeting the mysterious Jake Bloom?

The Fractured is the first part of a spin off series based on The Blemished, which will focus on some of the secondary characters and their stories. Part one follows the life of Elena as she experiences a life changing event.

Mon avis :

J'ai adoré cette nouvelle. Je suis un fan de cette auteure. J'en ai appris beaucoup sur Elena qui est le personnage principale de celle-ci. Selon des rueurs elle aurait les gènes d'une actrice célèbre. Les blemished selon moi seraient bien des clônes. Elena va participer au concours Miss Area 14 et va le remporté pour aller passer un séjour à Londres tout en étant filmée. Elle va apprendre que dans la ville il y a des bombes, ce qui ne la rassure pas du tout. A la fin on apprend qu'elle veux détruire de l'intérieur le minsitère de la majoration génétique : le GEM et qu'elle fait partie de la resistance.

My mind :

I like this novella, i'm a fan about this author. I learn a lot of this main character Elena. About rumors she will have genes from a famous actress. In my mind the blemished will be clones. She participate to a competition Miss Area 14 and she's gonna win to chance to go to London but the cameras will be here to follow her. She learnt in London there are bombs she's worried. At the end of the novella we learnt that she want to destroyed from the inside the Genetic Enhancement Ministry ans she was in the resistance. I'm in a hurry to begin to read the follow.

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